hillsong 2009

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The night started with Joel Houston the Creative Director of Hillsong and the leader of United live and also the writer of some incredible songs singing a beautiful song that he had just written.
Obviously not meant to be a part of the set but I loved that that was how they started the evening; with a humble heart and a song to encourage perhaps even one person there.

The recording was led by five different singers; Joel Houston, Brooke Fraser, Reuben Morgan, Darlene Zschech and Ben Fielding who sang two songs each. It wasn't straight through music. They had different readings and small talks. The visual and audio production was excellent. I wouldn't have expected anything less from them as they were recording a cd and dvd but still it was very impressive.

There were a lot of musicians on stage who swapped a couple of times as in there were two different drummers; Rolf Wam Fjell & Brandon Gillies, two different bass players, 3 electric guitars; Nigel, Ben Fielding and Timon Klein, 4 acoustic players; Joel, Brooke, Reuben & Jad Gillies. 3 keyboards, violin, cello and numerous singers as Matt Crocker from United team who also lead the song "Across the Earth" the last year, Jonathon Douglass obviusly was there, two new girls on the team, and David Ware from united next generation who lead some songs on the new album recording part B as "More Than Anything". also there were a lot of new people singing on the stage that makes for some cracking music.

The only slight downer was the song we heard last week which blew my head off, sang by Matt Crocker, at the live recording it was sung by Darlene which to me didn't pack the same punch! still the song itself is amazing, no idea what it's called, probably 'Sing out to God' written by Marty Sampson.

One of my favorites songs record at the night was led by Jad Gillies called "You Hold Me Now" or "No More Bad Stuff" that in my opinion will be a hit on the album.

Album recording was great!!
though like it was a bit short, and it was really funny how he ended it...
"Thanks for coming.. goodnight!" lol
but yeahh, cant wait till the album comes out.



You Hold Me Now

NEW Brooke's song

NEW Darlene's song
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